The True Essence of Celebrating Independence Day

Independence Day is fast approaching, and the first thing that pops into our minds is how we would prepare the barbecue, purchase those fireworks, and call every family member in town. Then again, shouldn’t we consider ourselves amidst an ongoing pandemic? Worry not; it does not mean you can’t celebrate your freedom given certain circumstances.
We should first understand the true essence of independence day. So why do we celebrate such a momentous occasion? Those who signed the Declaration of Independence had one thing in mind: ensuring every citizen could celebrate and enjoy their freedom. The only issue we encounter is that people must understand the difference between freedom and absolute freedom.
We should be celebrating the idea that we are free from being conquered by different countries or neighboring countries rather than thinking about how we are free to do anything we want. Given this concept, some citizens still do not celebrate independence day to showcase their love for the country and would assume that the celebration is unnecessary.
We are born on this earth and allowed to celebrate life, liberty, and property. The only reason we cannot enjoy such is if we choose not to celebrate it. Many well-esteemed people have given us the leisure to enjoy our freedom through the declaration of our independence; all we have to do is embrace our existence and be grateful for what we are given.
So how should we celebrate such a momentous occasion? For starters, taking pride in our heritage and patronage as US citizens would be best. So many sacrifices were made just for us to enjoy the liberty we have today. We shouldn’t be taking it for granted. Spend time with family and friends, and enjoy the occasion symbolizing unity in freedom. And of course, last but not least, be an example of a model citizen, practice your rights, and embody the values of a true American.
Interestingly enough, there are still debates on when we should celebrate independence day; when the declaration was drafted on the 2nd of July, some signed on the 4th, and the majority and followthrough were on the 8th of 1776. Then it was settled that since the signatures were taken on the 4th, it was made known to be celebrated on that day.
Fifty years back, bonfires and parades, sports, and even bells were celebrated on that day, yet what we are faced with today may unlikely happen. Come to think of it that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t celebrate. 4th of July will occur whether the ongoing pandemic is present, but it doesn’t mean we have to dwell in sadness since it isn’t as exciting as it was celebrated years ago. Every citizen will always have that fire burning that ignites our freedom.
One of the easiest ways to take pride in celebrating independence day indoors would be by wearing jewellery that can express the symbolism and value of autonomy. A collection at Celtic Knot Jewellery embodies our patriotism; you should check it out and see it yourself.
Let’s celebrate our independence in every way possible—cheers to freedom and cheers to the United States Of America.
Tell us how you would celebrate Independence Day 2023 in the comments below; we would love to hear from you!