Different Ways To Finally Express Your Love, Loyalty, and Devotion Through The Irish Culture. A Poetic Gesture.

It isn’t wrong to admit that saying “I love you” as an expression of our feelings and emotions has grown stale. People have been misusing and taking the statement for granted, and it has lost meaning over time. We aren’t generalizing that love and romance are dead, yet we would now have to think of other ways and means to express our devotion, love, loyalty, and affection. One of which is utilizing a different language, primarily if the said language is known to be poetic and romantic in gesture.
We want people to express their love and emotions for their partners not just through words from a different language but by learning and understanding that actions speak louder than words. Why would we have to learn different ways to say “I love you” if we would act on it, well that brings us to the concept of love languages. There are five different love languages, and the statement that we are trying to rekindle falls under one of those categories: "Words of Affirmation.”
Some people feel loved when given the assurance of love or the statements that suffice such a claim. Their love language thrives on the affirmation of their respective partners, and they feel more important as these words and ideas are brought with meaning and desire.
There are five ways to say “I Love You” in the Irish culture, and we believe they are as direct and sweet as pecan pie. It will surely spark your partner's love language; maybe you should try it out!
1. Mo Anam Cara (Mu On-um Kora) - “My Soulmate/Friend.”
It was believed in ancient Celtic practices and cultures that the soul is thought to find or build a bond with a particular person. They have coined the term “anam cara” (soul friend), which is said that once you have found them, they are destined to change your life in ways you could have never imagined. You would build a relationship filled with meaning and inspiration. Many people don’t believe in soulmates, yet we still believe that there will be a person that will remain constant and special in our respective lives, and that person is our “anam-cara.”
2. Mo Chuisle (Mu Kooishla) - “My pulse”
You may read one of the cheesiest lines throughout this blog, but hear us out. Do you ever have this feeling wherein you know that the person you have chosen is the only individual capable of making your heart beat faster and slower simultaneously? It may be a line in a movie you have already watched or a book you have read about, but we know that you have experienced this, and it may be the perfect line for your partner because that feeling is indescribable, in a good way.
3. Grá Geal Mo Chroí (Graw gee-yal mu kree) - “Bright love of my heart”
There are moments in our lives wherein we have reached our lowest of lows or our darkest hours, but there would be one person to shed some light to bring us back to life. That person would be the definition of this line because they have brought us back to life, and they are now our light source.
4. Is tú mo ghrá (Iss too mu graw) - “You are my love”
It’s pretty close to saying “I love you,” but think about it, telling someone that you love them is different from telling them that they are the love of your life. This expression and term differ because you aren’t just telling them their importance. Moreover, you are telling them they are the reason you fell in love in the first place.
5. Grá go Deo (Graw gu do) - “Forever Love.”
Like the Celtic Knot, which represents and embodies eternal love, the statement claims to profess your infinite love and devotion to your partner. Nothing beats unconditional love, and it’s even better to express it vocally and back it up with actions to prove it.
All these expressions and ways to say “I love you” will never mean anything if you aren’t familiar with your partner's love language. They may need something more than reassuring statements to feel loved; it is your soul's prerogative to showcase and express that. Some people feel loved when given quality time, physical touch and affection, gifts, and acts of service.
Try matching these different ways to express love, affection, and devotion with gifts matching their style and personality. Showcase how much your partner, friend, or family member means to you, and let’s keep spreading the LOVE.
If you want to find Celtic handcrafted keepsakes that embody these values, beliefs, symbolisms, and love, you should visit our shop TODAY!
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